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NMDA Healthy Soil Grant Applications Due

On January 15, NMDA launched its online grant application.  That’s where you’ll address various questions about your project, write descriptively about what you have planned, and – importantly – upload all of your application’s components: images of the project site, soil map, timeline/budget template, etc.  Have you taken the first steps to apply for a grant?


  1. If you’ll apply for a grant on behalf of a governmental entity in New Mexico – a pueblo, tribe, or nation; an acequia; a land grant; a soil and water conservation district (SWCD); a Cooperative Extension Service office; or the like – visit the web page for Eligible Entities to review the step-by-step application process you must follow.
  2. If you’ll apply for a grant on behalf of a non-governmental party in New Mexico – an individual, business, or nonprofit directly engaged in farming, ranching, or another form of land management – visit the web page for Individual Applicants to review the step-by-step application process you must follow.


Projects submitted for funding consideration must aim to improve soil health by putting 1+ of the 5 soil health principles into action on the ground.  Projects selected for funding will begin July 2025 and end September 2026.

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