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Green Waste Days

As of 2025 Ciudad SWCD has been partnering with Bernalillo County for over 10 years to provide free disposal of green waste for east mountain landowners at the Tijeras Transfer Station during 2 weeks every fall and 2 weeks every spring.


Many East Mountain residents are aware of the need to thin their property to improve the health of their trees and to reduce the risk of wildfire. While many homeowners are willing and able to do the thinning, they are unsure of what to do with the trees and branches that they cut. The Green Waste Days help landowners with a cost saving solution!

A flyer for "Fall Green Waste Days" with dates, a location, instructions for waste disposal, and contact info, promoting forest density reduction.


For information about future Green Waste Days email

May contain: pickup truck, transportation, truck, vehicle, soil, car, person, machine, and wheel
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