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Private Land Cost Share Forest Health Thinning

Diagram of fire defensible space zones around a house: Zone 1 (0-5 ft), Zone 2 (5-30 ft), Zone 3 (30-100 ft).

Ciudad SWCD's East Mountain Forest Health Program (EMFHP) offers technical and financial assistance to East Mountain residents for thinning of overly dense forested properties. In general untreated East Mountain properties have 2x as many trees as they should for optimal forest health and defensible space.  Our program provides 50% cost share on the total project costs towards defensible space and forest health. 

Funding is available and applications are accepted year round. Coordination and project planning takes place year round. As of 2025, on the ground work takes place between October and April. This is due to prolonged drought, bark beetle, and wildfire concerns. This progam at Ciudad has be operating for 22+ years.

Apply ASAP, the time between submitting an application and having the work completed is typically 6 months to 1 year depending on time of year, available contractors, and complexity of your project.

To participate in our program your property should be located in Ciudad SWCD or Coronado SWCD boundaries. This site from the NM State Engineer will help you quickly identify what SWCD your property resides in

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information and click the link in the green box to the right to submit an application today! 

Flowchart illustrating forest maintenance process: Application, Assessment, Plan Review, Agreement, Thinning, Inspection, Completion, Maintenance.


May contain: plant, tree, grove, land, nature, outdoors, vegetation, woodland, tree trunk, ground, soil, and wilderness

For more information or a paper application, please email 

Ciudad's East Mountain Forest Health Program (EMFHP) was implemented to assist landowners in reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire damage on private property, while at the same time improving the forest's overall health.

The EMFHP is a cooperative effort between Ciudad SWCD, the State Forestry Division of the NM Energy Minerals and Natural Resources Department, and private landowners. All treatments are done voluntarily. This program is strictly grant funded.  


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