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Agriculture Coordinator

Ciudad SWCD is seeking to hire an Agriculture Coordinator. 

The Agriculture Coordinator will assist Ciudad SWCD’s Agriculture Manager with the implementation of two composting grants and various healthy soil grants.This position is an exciting opportunity for someone who is passionate about regenerative agriculture, soil health, and strategically increasing food waste diversion to composting in our region through new community based projects. It is a good fit for someone who is a new farmer pursuing regenerative agriculture and composting, or for an educator interested in applying their skills to community composting.

To review the position description, please click below. 

Agriculture Coordinator Position Description.pdf

Ciudad SWCD is committed to continuing agriculture and composting within its boundaries. To apply for this position,  individuals should complete the application and upload the requested documents. This posting is open until filled.  Ciudad SWCD reserves the right  to make a hiring decision at any time. Applicants will be evaluated on a rolling basis with the first round of application reviews taking place Monday, August 19th, 2024. Please contact CJ Ames, Agriculture Manager at for additional information.


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