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Urban Waters Partnership Resources

Residential Rainwater Harvesting

Residential Rainwater Harvesting for residents of Bernalillo County (link).

Xeriscape for a Desert-Friendly Yard in Albuquerque/Bernalillo County

Xeriscape for a Desert-Friendly Yard in Albuquerque/Bernalillo County (link).

National Stormwater Calculator

National Stormwater Calculator (link).

NRCS Web Soil Survey

NRCS Web Soil Survey (link).

Bernalillo County Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Post-Construction Stormwater Management

Bernalillo County Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Post-Construction Stormwater Management (link for practitioners and managers).

iTree Online Estimation Tools

iTree Online Estimation Tools (link).

 Bernalillo County Green Stormwater Infrastructure/Low Impact Development Standards/BMPs [PDF]Bernalillo County Green Stormwater Infrastructure Plant List [PDF]Albuquerque Climate-Ready Trees [PDF] Green Infrastructure for Southwestern Neighborhoods [PDF]Middle Rio Grande Green Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance Manual [PDF]Bernalillo County Guidance for Stormwater Management in Solar Array Facilities [PDF]One Water Roadmap - US Water Alliance [PDF]
Middle Rio Grande Green Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance Guides [YouTube] 

Video 1: Intro to GSI Maintenance

Video 2: How to Maintain Permeable Pavement

Video 3: Maintaining the Observation Well

Video 4: Maintaining Stormwater Harvesting Basins

Video 5: Maintaining Stormwater Conveyances - Bioswales & Trenches

Video 6: Erosion

Video 7: Plants and Their Maintenance for GSI

Video 8: What to Weed, When to Weed, and How to Weed

Video 9: Inundation Zones

Video 10: Mulch Maintenance for GSI

Bonus Video: Installing a Soil Sponge for Poorly Draining Basins

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