RiverXchange® Learning Objectives & Standards Correlation
RiverXchange® helps teachers meet Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) all while teaching students about watershed health and environmental stewardship through hands-on activities, guest speaker presentations, and service learning. The RiverXchange® learning objectives are the specific, measurable outcomes we hope students are proficient in by program completion. These outcomes are what correlate to the Common Core and NGSS.
- Students identify their watershed and describe interdependent abiotic and biotic elements of their watershed ecosystem.
- Students summarize the many important roles and inter-connections for water in their watershed (e.g. municipal, industrial, agricultural, recreational, ecological, aesthetic).
- Students name specific pollution sources in their watershed, define the difference between permeable vs. impermeable surface and their roles in the movement of pollution.
- Students explain aspects of watershed stewardship and describe specific ways they can reduce pollution sources within their watershed.
- Students share their watershed knowledge and advocacy with peers and parents.